Thursday 14 February 2013

First weigh in was a bust

On Wednesday was my first official weigh in with 12wbt, i was looking forward to how much weight i surely lost due to the intensity of the workouts.
I got up Wednesday morning and i went for my wee, got nekkid , avoided my reflection in the mirror, bent down to get the scales lined up and thanked the heavens no one could  see me at that moment.
Then i realised that i could possible use the loo again. it seemed i needed to but unfortunately my bowels had a different plan. oh well weigh in time.
I stood on the scales nice and tall, then  thought well its not going to make a difference how i stand  so i just slouched again. (Michelle would hate that). I got my feet evenly spaced apart and looked down. WHAT?????
gained 200 grams. nawwww drat.  i worked my patooty off, new food, major exercise and i gained.
Here's my theory, my lazy assed body , upon feeling the pain  of my workouts went into panic mode, running around screaming , "Hold the weight , hold the weight, gather your kids and your wives, "
I was understandably bummed and after the weigh in.
This weeks food changes has made my body a little helter skelter ( my head too i think , or others would say it always was )
So i have not been very regular in the toileting department. The day after weight in i had been to the toilet twice and i thought i had better do a weight in out of curiosity. voila, i was down 700 grams ,  naughty naughty body. So if i keep being a good girl my next weigh in should be a good one. as of my last official pre-poop Wednesday weigh in i was 98.2.  not a bad job since i started at 103. :)  that's just the beginning.  Tomorrow is super session Saturday and I'm slightly terrified . but i will take it as it comes. If it gets too hard i may have to break it up through the day.

Today was core and flexibility , sadly it was a no go , i got alot of it done but with my back  and neck problems the floor work made me very sick and dizzy, totally disorientated. I need a new plan for Friday's core and flexibility , then i remembered that i got a DVD with the gym ball my boyfriend bought me. i threw it in the player and it had a core and flexibility sections that mum and i will be trying in place of Mish's ones.

Time for me to relax before i go get kids from school. i will  be blogging my first super Saturday session with lots of pics. assuming i haven't died , and that i can still  use my arms.

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