Tuesday 19 February 2013

Yawns , stretches and scratches ass

Boy oh boy did i wake up tired today. the last few nights have been terrible for sleep. i don't know if its because im too hot, or cold, or hungry or restless, there could be a gazillion reasons i'm sure. i will work on the sleep thing. The problem was that i had Mondayitis , today on a Tuesday , i have always been a little slow on the uptake. The tiredness was almost hard to shake today and if i had not been motivated by mum being here i may have tried a day off, then would have felt guilty for it and later probably ruined my food intake by inhaling some chocolate.  it is ok though, crisis was averted.  you can stop holding your breath now. i opted for the exercise and was glad i did. Mind you i was a little like a  cat today, every surface i passed looked like a potential place to have a nap. I had a weak moment  and ate one of the kids bikkies. it was 40 calories. *rolls eyes. i refuse to feel guilty about it, but the 6 potato gems i ate have meant im not allowed anything other than dinner tonight. I am not too ashamed of my lack of  strength today as i have been doin gthis since January 5th and i have been doing awesome. Not one softdrink, chocolate bar or chip packet in sight. i have been getting the occassional one square of cadbury when Damian thinks i look homocidal , lol his answer is to race out to his hidey hole and find me a piece of choccy. the sweet man. I had to tell him that the same method would not calm a criminal about to rob a bank. 
I  can almost see Damian with his squares of chocolate saving  the world one bad mood at a time.
Well this time it seemed to have a good effect on me, but i swear it is really hard to hold that little square of chocolate in your mouth , melting it and trying to keep the flavour there as long as possible. i think my tongue was picking at every nook and cranny on my mouth in the hopes of finding a forgotten morsal to no avail.
I will one day lose my affections for  chocolate, around the same time that dogs can cook dinner i guess. 

Another reason for my lethargy today was also my chest pains, they were already investigated, echocardiogram done,  and all found to be ok, they believe its muscle spasms,  well i describe it less as a spasm and more of a knife stab. it doesnt happen often  but  this morning it happened a couple of times. they are so painful, sharp and quick that they literally leave me light headed. probably due to the pain of it. i was a little concerned so i was  more aware when i did my exercises. its been fine all day thank heavens. It does make me keep a close eye on it though. I suspect it has a lot to do with how i sit at the computer.My posture is crap, i mean i know how i should sit but for some reason when i get into my office chair i get all jelly like. my shoulders hunch , my tummy resting on my thighs, my breasts almost nipple to thigh , it really isnt very comfy either. i find im always shifting position, my other position isnt much better, my head back against the head rest, feet up on a foot rest , almost laying in my seat. Again i seem to find great ways to  lounge myself in my office chair and not actually sit properly in them. 
I just think that the slouching and the weight of my breasts  may be causing the chest pain. 

so the tiredness and pain almost blew my exercise. i managed to keep solidering on. It turned out to be a very busy day, not leaving any chance to even do all my housework. nawwww, she couldnt do her housework. the workout was done carefully . but now im trying not to nod off as i type. I am just that sleepy that i am starting to think the wet patch on my desk isnt from my cup but is infact a drool spot from nodding off. 

Tomorrow is another cardio day. and the big weigh in . noooooooooooooo , im not looking forward to this again.  last time i gained 200 grams, i just hope i get the results i want to see from it.  im thinking there might be something wrong with my scales, tomorrow i will know if they need to returned to the store. 
I have to go and get dinner ready, otherwise i will doze off in my chair again. the kids think that is hilarious, me typing one minute the next sleeping like a narcoleptic.

i wish everyone luck for weigh in , if i dont like what the scales say then i will have to take them back to the shop and tell them they are just not good enough :)
 just for my own amusement im adding a video of my son from the weekend

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